The PTA is a volunteer group of parents and school teachers and staff who support ESCS students and school activities with efforts such as:
Supporting Field Trips for All Students
New England Aquarium, Plimoth Plantation, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Franklin Park Zoo, and more...
Funding Classroom Projects / Out-of-School Enrichment
Frog project, science supplies, music instrument support, software subscriptions, books, strategy games, and more...
Supporting and Organizing Events for ESCS Students and Community Members
Movie nights, dances, charitable fundraisers, bingo for books, scholarships for graduating seniors, and more...
Organizing Volunteer Networks to Support Community Members in Need
Volunteers have mobilized to provide technology assistance, food and supplies deliveries, and more...
Everyone is welcome to join the PTA! Thank you and let’s have a great school year!
ESCS PTA Board, 2023-2024 School Year
President: Amy Mertl
Vice Presidents: Paula Magnelli, Kayla Centeio, Carolina Abad
Secretaries: Suzi Lee, Vera Ventura, Charlotte Walker
Treasurer: Annie Lydgate
Stay informed